Friday, August 12, 2011

Math 5 Survivor rules

  • Each section will be considered one tribe. Each tribe should pick a tribe name, a tribe leader, and a tribe symbol.
  • The members of each tribe then arrange themselves in any order they want. The ordering should be written on paper, and should be submitted on the third meeting of the quarter. Tribes should include brief explanation of how the class came up with such ordering
  • The ordering will be the basis of the match-ups on all the challenges. Those numbered 1 will battle it out against people from other tribes that are number 1, and so on...
  • Each quiz will be considered bith as a reward and as an immunity challenge.
  • Reward challenge: the person with the highest unique score in each of the match point for their tribe. At the end of the quarter, the total reward points will be added for each tribe. Bonuses will be given to each member of the tribe, depending on the number of points they accumulate: 4% bonus on the quizzes for the 1st place, 2% for 2nd place, 1% for 3rd and 4th.
  • Immunity: the tribe with the highest average in each of the challenges will be considered the winner of the immunity challenge. All the other classes will need to vote out a team member. The person voted out by the tribe will not participate in the computation of the class average. This person is considered to be in Redemption Island (RI)
  • The Redemption Island is a temporary place where eliminated team members gather. the members of the tribe in RI with the highest score will go back to their tribe, given that his scores is higher than tribe's average. When a person gets back from RI, he earns for himself an additional 1% bonus in quizzes
  • There might be special erward challenges during the quarter. These challenges will be for rewards other than bonus points, example bonus for LT's and special prizes.
  • Reminder: Each person should expect a quiz every meeting. Quizzes may be announced of unannounced.

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